“Through God, all things are possible.”
The mission outreach of our church tries to address many needs of our community, locally and globally. Every member of the congregation is encouraged to become actively involved in one or more of these mission outreach programs. The congregation of FPUPC actively supports the following programs and organizations with their time, talents, and financial resources. Click on the names of the programs and organizations below to learn more about how we support them.
Contact the church office to speak to someone about how to be involved with the FPUPC Community 845-452-0684
The congregation of FPUPC provides financial support for the following programs and organizations. Click on the name of the program or organization to learn more about it.
A Single Kindness (ASK)
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Mission Programs
Unified Mission (Presbytery, Synod, General Assembly mission programs)
Special Offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Peacemaking, Pentecost, Christmas Joy)
Other Organizations Supported by the FPUPC Congregation
Click on the name of the organization to reach their web site.
Meals on Wheels of Greater Poughkeepsie
Provides and delivers meals to those unable to prepare them by themselves
Provides meals to families of individuals diagnosed with cancer
Provides services and advocates for migrant workers in rural areas
Provides free medical services to those in rural areas of Kenya
To God be the Glory Food Ministries
Collects surplus food from stores and restaurants, distributes to those in need
Trinity United Methodist Church Food Pantry
Regional food bank serving the LaGrangeville / Unionvale area
Coming Home Program (Unitarian Fellowship of Poughkeepsie)
Assists those recently released from prison in reintegrating into the community
Homeless Shelter meaL
If you are interested in participating with our monthly Homeless Shelter Meal, we have some suggestions to help if you need.
Please call the Church to find out which months are available.
Here are some options, but feel free to create your own path
Option 1: Warm & Serve
Option 2: Full Cook
Option 3: Cover the Meal Cost
Option 4: Cater