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In-Person Worship

Sunday Morning Services    10:00 am



Sunday School


Followed by Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall


1168 Route 55

LaGrangeville, NY  12540



Music at Freedom Plains United

Our music program is a vital part of worship and I’d like to invite you to become a part of it. Whether you are a singer or instrumentalist, whether you are advanced or just beginning, whether you are looking for a short-term or long-term commitment, there is a place for you among our many vocal and instrumental ensembles. Explore the groups listed below to see where you might offer your talents. Feel free to contact the church to join a group, offer your thoughts, or to learn more.


Soli Deo Gloria!



Choirs and Vocal Ensembles


“O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!”

—Psalm 95: 1



Freedom Singers – adults

Come join us as we raise our voices to praise God! Adults of all ages and experience are welcome. Our repertoire consists of all forms of liturgical music including spirituals, classical, and contemporary anthems. Composers have included Bach, Mozart, Faure, Rutter, and Hayes. Our rehearsals include time for prayer, fellowship, and laughter. Fellowship outside of church includes seasonal outings for meals and concerts, an annual Christmas party and our year-end picnic.

Sing – Every Sunday from September through June

Rehearse – Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 PM and Sundays at 9:00 AM

Commitment – September through June

New singers are WELCOME!


Fifth Sunday Singers – adults

If you’ve wanted to sing in a choir but can’t commit to every Sunday, this is the place for you. All adults are welcome to join the choir on any fifth Sunday of the year. Music reading is not necessary. We sing a wide range of music from spirituals to contemporary Christian songs.


Sing – Most fifth Sundays from September through June

Rehearse – The Sunday before we sing from 11:20-12:00 PM and the day of service at 9:00 AM

Commitment – One fifth Sunday or as many as you like!


Grace Notes – kindergarten through junior high

All children in our church school are invited to sing in our youth choir.

Sing –  10:00 AM service twice a year

Rehearse –  during Sunday School


Small Vocal Ensembles

Duets, trios, quartets, quintets, anyone? The music of small vocal ensembles adds to the beauty of our services. Repertoire ranges from 17th to 21st century composers. Services and rehearsals to be determined. Want to sing? Contact the Church at 845-452-0684



Handbell playing builds community and friendships within our church, and brings an additional musical spirit to the worship service.


Freedom Ringers – high school students and adults

High school students and adults of all ages are welcome. Music reading is necessary. We play three octaves of American Guild of English Handbell Ringers (AGEHR) Level 1-4 music and arrange our own music as well. Our set of handbells, purchased in the mid 1970’s gets a real workout!


Ring – 10:00 service

Rehearse – Thursdays from 5:00 – 6:00 as determined

Commitment – we play twice a year with three or four rehearsals prior to playing


The Magical Bells – middle school and high school students

Middle school and high school students are welcome.  Music reading is helpful but not necessary. This is the perfect group to learn how to ring. We play a variety of Level 1-2 music as well as original arrangements that often include other instrumentalists. The Magical Bells have played at the Dutchess County Interfaith Concert for the last two years.


Ring – 10:00 service

Rehearse – Thursdays from 5:00 – 6:00 PM and day of service at 9:15 AM

Commitment – we play three-four times a year with four rehearsals prior to playing


Clock Chime Ringers – age four and up

The beginning of worship is announced with a brief clock chime that is rung by our Clock Chime Ringers. Ringers change weekly. This is a wonderful opportunity for children (age four and up) and adults to ring a bell as no experience is necessary and there is only a short commitment. It’s also a great opportunity for family members to ring together.


Ring – 10:00 service

Rehearse – day of service at 9:45 in church library

Commitment – one day




“Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe!”

—Psalm 150: 3-4


Small Instrumental Ensembles

Beginning through advanced players are welcome to play throughout the year. This past season  we’ve featured duos, trios, and quartets that included flute, violin, viola, trumpet, and piano.  Services and rehearsals to be determined. Want to play? Contact the Church at 845-452-0684


Jazz Combo

The seven members of the Jazz Combo have been playing together since February of 2013.  The instruments included in the group are trumpets, saxophone, keyboard, guitar, and drums.  A vocalist rounds out the group.  They lead the music on a Sunday in February to celebrate Black History Month.  The group also performs at other times throughout the year.



Coffee Hour Schedule

For Coffee Hour, please bring one or two food items according to the following schedule, and leave them in the kitchen before the 10 AM service.


  • 1st Sunday of the month:

    • ​A thru F

  • 2nd Sunday of the month:

    • G thru L

  • 3rd Sunday of the month:

    • M thru Q

  • 4th Sunday of the month:

    • R thru Z


In months where there is a 5th Sunday, the hope is that a group will step up (Sunday School, Deacons, etc). If there is a Sunday with a special celebration which would replace the standard coffee hour, please post that in advance on the sign up sheet and let Cheryl, know so an announcement can be sent out.


Visit our youtube channel to find sermons, musical offerings, children's messages and more!
Freedom Plains United

(845) 452-0684

1168 Route 55 

LaGrangeville, NY 12540


Office Hours:

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri  9-2pm

Wed 10-3pm

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