Part 2: Can Our Government Help?
If we the people demanded legislation and incentive programs for reduction
of the use of plastics, encouraging the invention of alternatives, things
could change for the better. In years past, legislation set goals for lower
car emissions through the Clean Air Act. Scientists and manufacturers
stepped up to the problem which resulted in today’s vehicles to be 98%
cleaner for tailpipe emissions than the vehicles of the 1960’s. That would
not have happened if there hadn’t been legislation which pushed for it.
Likewise, the use of recyclable shopping bags would not have become so
prevalent without the state government’s bag laws. When environmental
laws are passed, improvements can be made on a large scale.
There are bills introduced in both NY State and the US Congress that
would put the onus of the plastics problem back to the industry and
encourage producing better solutions. The bills set targets for reducing use
of single-use plastics, incentivize the reuse of plastic products and
encourage refillable products, and much more. They are the Packaging
Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act in the NYS legislature, S4246D
and A5322D, and the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act (S.3127 and
HR.6053) in the US Congress.
The NYS Senate passed S4246D on June 7, 2024. See Reference 1 for
the main provisions of this bill.
For a detailed summary of the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act see
Reference 2
Legislators seem to be waiting for people like you and me to let them
know it is time to act. Please call or write to your US Senator and
Congressmember, as well as your NY State legislators, and let them know
your concerns about single-use plastics. Advocating for action by
legislators on solving the single-use plastic pollution problems is critical to
making it happen!
Want a sample letter to help you get started? Use the links below to
download sample letters from the Hudson River Presbytery website.
Remember, sample letters are just examples: feel free to edit, shorten, or
add your own special touch!
To find contact information for your legislators, see the Notes section
Support letter for the Break Free from Plastics Pollution Act:
Support letter for the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act in NYS legislature.
You can also call your elected officials. Many say that calling works better than writing to them. Occasionally, they even answer the phone!
Additionally, be sure to VOTE for those who best support your values.
Did you know?
PCUSA Supports Breaking Free from Plastic Pollution
In concern for the planet, and in the hope that our congregations will seek ways to lessen our plastic pollution impact, the 226th General Assembly passed the overture ENV-03, On Becoming Free from Plastic Pollution.
Read about it here:
Our presbytery, namely, Hudson River Presbytery, supported this overture prior to the General Assembly this year.
Thanks for all you do to take care of the earth!
- Ruth Sheets, Earth Stewards Committee Member
To find your US Senators and Representative and contact information:
To find your NYS Assembly Member:
To find your NYS Senator:
References for Part 2
“Beyond Plastics: The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act: Summary of Main Provisions”, viewable at,, 29 June 2024.,, 29 June 2024.
Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, viewable at
PCUSA 226th General Assembly (2024) ENV-03, On Becoming Free from Plastic Pollution, viewable at
S.3127 - Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2023, viewable at
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